How California and mePrism Can Help You Claim Your Data

Adam Judelson
2 min readNov 17, 2021


At mePrism, our job is to help you get back in control of the digital data you create through your actions on major platforms such as Google and Facebook. California’s new privacy laws explicitly empower companies like ours to act as a sort of data concierge, or as the new law calls it, an “authorized agent” on your behalf. You might not think you need a concierge until you attempt to exercise your rights on your own, and then you would see what we see — namely that the process is arduous, opaque, inconsistent, error prone, and most importantly requires far more time or technical ability from any one person than is reasonable. To revolutionize this process, mePrism spent the past few weeks with some of the top privacy attorneys in California detailing our experiences as an authorized agent of the consumer. We put our recommendations into a public document to make certain that consumers remain in the driver’s seat with regards to their personal data property.

You can read our formal, public submission to the California Privacy Protection Agency here and let us know your thoughts! You can also read the full compilation of all comment submissions.

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